Luxembourg offshore company formation

Luxembourg Private Limited Company (SARL)

Luxembourg Soparfi

  • Sophisticated and internationally orientated service industry
  • Tax system features several tax incentives to stimulate innovation and business activities
  • The greatest number of treaties for double tax avoidance worldwide
  • Stable legislation and politics, coupled with excellent international relations
  • One of the most significant financial and business centres
Luxembourg offshore company formation

Ideal for Luxembourg company registration:


Finance Corporations

Import/Export Products

Holding Company

Luxembourg company registration In 4 Easy Steps

  • Request free company name search We check the eligibility of the name, and make suggestion if neccessry.
  • Register or login and fill in the company names and director/ shareholder(s).
  • Fill in shipping, company address or special request (if any).
  • Choose your payment method (We accept payment by Credit/Debit Card, PayPal or Wire Transfer).
  • You will receive soft copies of necessary documents including: Certificate of Incorporation, Business Registration, Memorandum and Articles of Association, etc. Then, your new company in a jurisdiction is ready to do business!
  • You can bring the documents in company kit to open corporate bank account or we can help you with our long experience of Banking support service.

Required documents for Luxembourg company registration

  • Scan of Passport of each shareholder/beneficial owner and director
  • Scan of Address Proof of each director and shareholder (can be utility: Gas, water, electricity…bill, which must be in English and not older than 3 months. If it’s not in English, a certified translation is required)
  • Personal CV/ Resume

Attractive Cost For Luxembourg Offshore Company Formation

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